New App Lets You Give The Finger – Yankees Fans Rejoice

Flip-The-Bird So check it … dropping F-Bombs within an iPhone app is a big no-no per Apple and one of the quickest ways to get your app rejected. Well, unless you’re Nine Inch Nail’s frontman Trent Reznor – then having the word F**K in your app is ok. But apparently including F-Bombs in the form of a hand gesture is all good. F-Bomb hand gesture, huh? You know … Giving The Finger, Flipping The Bird, One Finger Salute.

Under the guise of SquirrelizeMe, you can now add the world famous F-YOU symbol to any picture you take from within the application. Of course F-YOU is not the only flair available. Choose from 11 others, including the freaking obnoxious photo-crashing squirrel, an angry seal, a creepy crawler, an okie-dokie hand gesture and more.


SM Screenshot FINAL

[editor’s note: real quick … a Minnesota couple had a squirrel crash their self-portrait. it became an Internet meme and coined the term “Squirrelize”. check out the National Geographic blog which explains it all and the Mashable article of the top 10 squirrel crasher moments … little bastard has even appeared on the moon!]

Ok, let’s not kid ourselves … the reason you’ll be downloading SquirrelizeMe is for the awesomeness of F-YOUizing (yes that’s a word – we just made it up now) your images. Think of the endless self-expression possibilities and creativity the middle finger presents.

Finally figured out your ex-boyfriend is a cheating douchebag? F-YOUize him!


WTH? Balloon Boy Might Have Been A Publicity Stunt Hoax? F-YOUize the kid’s parents!


Think Octomom is a pathetic worthless piece of humanity? F-YOUize her!


Sick of that pansy-ass crashing squirrel? F-YOUize it!


Some meathead Yankees fan gave you the F-YOU? F-YOU too Yankees fan – go Angels!


As awesome as SquirrelizeMe is, we do have a beef with the app. You cannot F-YOUize images stored within your iPhone’s camera roll … only pictures taken from within the app. We contacted Rostock, Germany-based SquirrelizeMe developer, Matthias Seemann, regarding this limited F-YOUizing feature. Matthias naturally responded, “F-YOU, wait for an update” … well ok then, we will.

In conclusion, we’re stoked to give our middle fingers a rest and let SquirrelizeMe convey our innermost thoughts and feelings. And we want to thank Apple for having the sense to pocket their mighty banhammer and let the world F-YOUize. Expressing your feelings is healthy, so perhaps this will be the first step in achieving world peace.

[F-YOU KRAPPS … you’re full of it!]
