Sonic The Hedgehog 2 – Sequel Even Better Than The Original

(written by guest author Connor Coghlan. follow Connor on Twitter @Condawg)


I grew up on Sonic the Hedgehog. It was one of the very first console games I ever played. (first videogame ever was SkiFree … couldn’t get past the damned yeti.) And let me tell you, I played the hell out of every single Sonic game (up until they started sucking).

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was by and far my favorite. It introduced the ability to rev up and roll fast as hell … which I love. So, as you can imagine, when Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [iTunes $5.99] was released by SEGA for the iPhone and iPod touch sometime last week, I bought it instantly.


Sonic 2 plays like a champ on iDevices. The emulator that SEGA made to allow this port is fantastic. I’ve never noticed any lag and it just feels like I’m playing it natively. It gives you a virtual d-pad and "A" button (only "A" because that’s all you need). In-between zones and levels, the buttons disappear to show you the title slide … which is a very nice feature that makes it feel more like a native game.


Plus Sonic 2 has an awesome savestate feature. This means that if you get interrupted by a call, you can just resume your game right where you were. Or even if you just close the game and come back to it later, you’ll be RIGHT where you left off … it’s awesome.

All-in-all, if you’ve ever played Sonic 2, you get the gist of this game. The gameplay transitions perfectly to a mobile device and how well they pulled this off just gets me even more psyched for the upcoming Sonic 4. (if you’re not aware, Sonic 4 will be a 2D sidescrolling, episodic Sonic game … brand new game, but it’s going back to its roots. It’ll be pretty sick.)


Running around at mega-speed and stomping enemies is just as fun as ever. Robotnik’s complex machinery still fails to kill you (which makes me wonder why the dude doesn’t just, like… make or purchase a firearm … that would be much more effective).


If you’ve ever played and enjoyed a Sonic game, you shouldn’t be thinking twice about giving this a purchase. If you’ve never played a Sonic game… what the hell is wrong with you? Well, you’ll never have a better opportunity to start. Sonic 2 is currently #53 in Overall Paid Apps … buy this game and help it climb a notch to #52 [iTunes $5.99].


  • wondroushippo

    It doesn't let you access the options menu at all, though – so you can't play as Sonic or Tails only, or use the sound test for cheats either.

  • Condawg

    Good find. I hadn't even thought about that.
    Well, now that you bring it up, that's a bit of a disappointment. Still, not enough to taint the overall awesomeness of this game.

  • alice

    I can't believe you seriously like this shovelware garbage. If you were a true Sonic fan, you'd be upset with the subpar emulation this app provides. Absolute garbage.

  • Sanjay

    I have heard about this app from my friend. I would love play this game once i finish my best Game EggBlox.

  • hai Sanjay, One of my used to say EggBlox game is good but i never listened to his, After reading your notes, I downloaded the game. Add to your notes, the interesting thing is building our own virtual farm.

  • hai Sanjay, One of my used to say EggBlox game is good but i never listened to his, After reading your notes, I downloaded the game. Add to your notes, the interesting thing is building our own virtual farm.

  • Afhesh

    I just used a cheat to unlock all levels on iPhone and it worked but I want to use the sound test it won’t let me anyone got a clue on how to use it??

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