Mister M.

Title: Menstrual Calendar Apps
Category: Healthcare

Some jobs suck!

suckjobs4   suckjobs3 suckjobs5   untitled

Add this one to the list … the guy who has to apply creativity to menstruation and come up with a clever menstrual calendar name. So similar to Bud Light’s salute to Real Men Of Genius (Mr. Pro Football Coach Cord Carrier, Mr. Department Store Mannequin Dresser Upper, Mr. Bowling Shoe Giver Outter, etc.) … KRAPPS salutes Mr. Menstrual Calendar App Title Creator and recognizes your genius contributions to the App Store below:

Petals_Icon Petals >> iMensies_Icon iMensies >> Lady_Biz_Icon Lady Biz  >> iWoman_Icon iWoman

FemDays FemDays >> Ovulation Calendar Pro Ovulation Calendar Pro >> iLady Icon iLady

AuntFlo Icon AuntFlo >> Period Tracker_Icon Period Tracker >> xoCal - Calendar_Icon xoCal >> i-femion_Icon i-femion

Lady_Mate_Icon Lady Mate >> LoveForecast_Icon LoveForecast >> Woman Calendar Icon Woman Calendar

Surprisingly Mr. Menstrual Calendar App Title Creator missed these offerings: iFlow … Ladies’ Day … TOM (that Time Of Month) … Girl Trouble … Monthly Miracle … and of course – iRag. Geez, all this menstrual talk, I need a Motrin!


  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Appy_Entertainment

    If you had all of those calendars on your phone at the same time, after a couple months, would they synchronize with each other?

  • Interesting inquiry … based on the Sorority House effect, I believe it would be a safe assumption that indeed they would synchronize. Now you got me thinking … if these apps do synchronize, would it cause your iPhone to crash, rendering it unusable for 5 to 7 days?

  • Many women however strange know what ovulation
    Ovulation – it is the stage of menstrual cycle, during which in one of ovaries a follicle is torn and formed yellow body. That, during ovulation ripening ovule, ready to the impregnation, goes out from a follicle and follows to the uterus on uterine pipes (by their hairs). In an uterus at this time there is transformation of mucous membrane – endometriya. New mews appear in him, the network of blood vessels broadens. All of it is necessary in order that, in the case of impregnation, an embryo got nutritives. A yellow body is sekretiruet hormones, especially important during pregnancy here. Menstruation begins in opposite case, and a yellow body is exposed to gradual regress.

  • B.

    You are idiots.

  • Thank you

  • not sure what the point is here
    but there are several free and paid apps available for tracking your ovulation