Magical Interview With Three Wolf Moon Licensor Michael McGloin [Part 2]

Part 2 of our interview with Michael McGloin, Creative Director of The Mountain … the company which produces the Three Wolf Moon (3WM) T-Shirt and  became’s top selling apparel item and an Internet phenomenon [Part 1].

Apple recently approved the official 3WM app [iTunes] … Three Wolf Moon HowlTone Generator [KRAPPS review] … which generates custom howling ringtones for your iPhone. So being the nosey dickheads we are, we cornered Michael and asked him about the development process of the app.


KRAPPS: So you talked about supporting your artists … how about Ms. Neshev, she must be huge for you guys!

Three-Wolf-Moon-pajamas-FIN Michael McGloin: We’ve (The Mountain Licensing) been representing Antonia Neshev, the Three Wolf Moon artist, for about a year now, trying to get her art and Three Wolf Moon out there on more than just a T-Shirt. We’ve done posters, pajamas, puzzles, skins with DecalGirl and Zagg, etc. Over the past six months hundreds of other people have made tribute shirts, products, blogs and apps that have cashed in on Three Wolf Moon and Antonia doesn’t get a piece of that pie. We wanted Antonia to get her piece of the pie and we wanted to take it to the next level and offer our fans something that no one else could provide. The power of Three Wolf Moon in your pocket! Everyone should have that type of power to get through their day and that’s our gift.

LOL … no shit! We’ve had some pretty crappy days around here and the 3WM app would’ve come in handy, so we’re totally stoked a pocket version is now available.

Ok, the 3WM HowlTone Generator … what’s up with that? Did you geek-up and code it yourself?

Nah – I’m an artist, no Objective-C for this MacHEAD. A few different developers approached me about doing an app and we came up with a bunch of killer ideas. For some reason the first developer (iverse comics) dropped out about a month into it. We talked about wolf pack portals. Where people could upload pics of themselves in the shirt, comment on it and a possible proximity gps alert howl would happen when you walked by another Three Wolf Moon hipster, a secret handshake of sorts. But that project ended dead in the water.

LMAO … Wolf Pack Portal! That is sick and would be insane for a possible second app. Sorry to interrupt, go ahead.

Waya-FINAL Nice Kanye West move … anyways we’ll continue. Then Mark Peterson of TapFactory contacted me and expressed interest as well. He saw the New York Times article and wanted to make the Official Three Wolf Moon app. TapFactory was really great. I had so much on my plate and they were really patient. I worked with Cameron Smith and we threw a bunch of ideas back and forth, finally settling on a HowlTone generator to get something launched pretty quickly. Something we could build upon. I contacted one of our T-Shirt customers who has a wolf preserve and they supplied the wolf howls. It all came together very organically.

Imma let you finish … just wanted to say that the recordings of the wolf howls are awesome! Love the fact you guys used actual wolves and they even have names …
Wa-Ta-Chee, Ohoyo and Waya … very cool touch!

Yes, it was important for us to have a “connection” with the wolves. So then I wanted to try and get the app launched before 3WM showed up on The Office. We were all set to submit to Apple for approval, but then I thought it would be great to be able to record your own howl (or anything you wanted) as well, so it took a bit longer. And then when TapFactory was ready to submit I threw in another curve ball… the ability to buy the much sought after Three Wolf Moon Glow Shirt. We had to make the Glow Shirt purchase so you could only get it through the app exclusively from us. That was the final hurdle and we pulled it together and made it happen.


Yeah, we’re already in for that sweet 3WM Glow Shirt. Figure it’s the perfect shirt for when we go clubbin … chicks will dig a glowing 3WM KRAPPS.

Well Michael, we appreciate you taking the time to hang with us and sharing insights about your beginnings, The Mountain and the new Three Wolf Moon HowlTone Generator iPhone app. We wish you continued success and much luck with the app. Be sure to howl at us with any iPhone updates!

Thanks Mister KRAPPS. It’s been my pleasure to share a behind-the-scenes look at our operation. On behalf of The Mountain, I wish you and all your KRAPPS viewers the power of Three Wolf Moon … may its magic bring endless happiness to your life. Happy New Year!

[Be sure to check out The Mountain’s 2010 catalog … we were blown away by the new designs for next year … dinosaurs, bigfoot, gorillas, reptiles, etc. … just awesome stuff)



  • Dude the pijama looks tight, i love wolfs man.

  • Pingback: uberVU - social comments()

  • Why is there only one T-Rex and only the hint of a moon? I'm not sure I wish to purchase such obviously inferior merchandise. Perhaps two T-Rexes might be the equivalent of three wolves, but just one? No.

  • Hmmm … not sure that would be a sound business decision, messing with the
    power of the Three Wolf Moon, even if we're talking dinosaurs … or for
    that matter, zombies, bacon or Megan Fox

  • Why is there only one T-Rex and only the hint of a moon? I'm not sure I wish to purchase such obviously inferior merchandise. Perhaps two T-Rexes might be the equivalent of three wolves, but just one? No.

  • Hmmm … not sure that would be a sound business decision, messing with the
    power of the Three Wolf Moon, even if we're talking dinosaurs … or for
    that matter, zombies, bacon or Megan Fox

  • Cme

    Everything about this comment is hilarious.