Turn Your iPad Into A Real Live Pinball Machine
“Think Outside The
Box iPhone”
That seems to be the motto over at New Potato Technologies. These folks are just not satisfied with the iPhone and have launched a series of “appcessories”. With applications and physical add-ons from the company, you can turn your iPhone into a cycling computer, universal remote control or a slot machine. Our favorite appcessory is Pinball Magic … download the free corresponding app, slide your iPhone into a miniature cabinet and your iPhone is transformed into a realistic pinball machine … complete with a physical plunger and paddle buttons.
And now the iPhone’s big brother will be getting some arcade love as well … Pinball Magic for iPad!
Given its size, an iPad pinball machine totally makes sense. Larger paddle buttons and plunger increases the playability of this appcessory … plus it would look so damn cute proudly displayed in your home.
Brookstone.com has the iPad Pinball Magic appcessory for sale at $80 (iPhone version $40) … and makes a cheaper, unobtrusive alternative to having a full-blown pinball machine in the middle of your living room.
[via Oh Gizmo!]