Section 3.3.12

Title: iStrip
Category: Entertainment

update: all download codes have been claimed – thank you

banging-head2 The developers are Rock Cottage Industries have bumps, cuts and bruises on their heads. Why? … because for months they’ve been banging their heads against the hard walls of their rock cottage. Why? … because sometimes the app approval process is painfully long, frustrating and simply unfair.

The Rock Cottage boys specialize in iPhone clock apps – Tokyo Time, Crazy Clock, Black Clocks and White Clock are their products. And like many, they noticed a distinct “shift” in Apple’s approval standards … think farts, vomit, pee, boobies and other KRAPPS. So with Apple opening this “Approval Door”, the boys attempted to jam their way into the App Store based on nostalgia … a vintage strip pen.


But not so fast … Apple slammed the door on the Rock boys and thus the head banging therapy. But can you blame them? Farts and Jiggling Boobies are approved – but not a vintage bathing suit model strip pen? Come on … iStrip provides significant historical and educational value – I think? But Apple didn’t see it that way … boobies can jiggle, but iStrip was rejected based on Section 3.3.12 of the iPhone SDK Agreement:

“Applications must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory content or materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, etc.), or other content or materials that in Apple’s reasonable judgement may be found objectionable by iPhone or iPod touch users.”

Ok … slow down sparky and your Section 3.3.12! You mean to tell me the approved Bikini Blast app with their girls gone wild models is not objectionable but the iStrip app with their vintage 60’s bathing suit model is offensive content? What a bunch of KRAPPS!

Bikini Blast      iStrip Rejected

Well this Section 3.3.12 nonsense does have a happy ending. It seems all that head banging was worth it as a light bulb went off inside the Rock boys’ bruised up heads: more clothes, make it a game (not an entertainment app), classify the game as age 9+ and change the title to “iStrip – Novelty App”. Guess what? … It worked!

iStrip-1     iStrip-2

Congrats to Rock Cottage Industries for their perseverance and “Never Say Die” attitude. The App Store is a better place now with iStrip – Novelty App in it. (hint, hint: iStrip allows the user to load custom clothing from the camera roll … the possibilities are endless)

Free iStrip to KRAPPS viewers!
Rock Cottage Industries was kind enough to provide KRAPPS with codes which will allow our viewers to download iStrip for FREE. Simply tweet the following message on Twitter:

Visit the new @KRAPPS Facebook Page. Become a fan for exclusive giveaways & more >>

We will then direct message you the download code while supplies last. Make sure you follow us on Twitter – @KRAPPS – so we can direct message you the code.
