Surviving A Midlife Crisis And A Bolivian Cult, iSlinky Springs Into The App Store
It’s Slinky. It’s Slinky.
For Fun It’s A Wonderful Toy.
It’s Slinky. It’s Slinky.
It’s Fun For A Girl Or A Boy.
Launched in November 1945 at Gimbels department store in Philadelphia, the Slinky is a kickass toy. However, Slinky inventor, naval engineer Richard James, is not so kickass. In 1960, suffering from a midlife crisis, Richard decided to bail his wife, Betty, their six children and joined a Bolivian religious cult. Bastard Richard also left the Slinky toy company (James Industries) in total debt and ruin … WTF dude! Luckily Betty was kickass herself and not only saved the company, but expanded it to the tune of 300+ million Slinkys sold to date … although arguably, Betty’s greatest achievement was her Slinky Dog forever immortalized in Disney’s Toy Story movies (can’t wait for June 18, 2010 = Toy Story 3).
So what’s the deal with this helical spring toy and it’s crazy popularity? We searched high and low for the answer and found it in a t-shirt saying – “Some people are like Slinkys, they’re really good for nothing … but they bring a smile on your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.”
And did you know the Slinky is the official toy of Apple? Sure, why not … go with it. Slinky + Escalator = Infinite Loop … ha! So it should come as no surprise, that this loveable, yet useless tradition is now available as the ultimate iPhone time waster … iSlinky.
This virtual Slinky stuff totally makes sense. First it doesn’t tangle, so it won’t end up in the trash as a waste of money. Second … iSlinky is even perfect for those folks who live in one story homes. Plus if the iPhone can be home to such old-school classics as Pac Man, Asteroids, Galaga, Monopoly or Life … why not retro toys like the Slinky (or Silly Putty, Etch A Sketch, Mr. Potato Head, Pop Rocks, etc.)?
Regrettably, Betty died in November 2008 (husband Richard passed away in 1974) … about one year shy of witnessing her magical spring toy go Objective-C on the iPhone. As noted, Betty was a badass business woman … saving the Slinky as her husband deserted her for some Bolivian nut-jobs. It was her business savvy and creativity that successfully expanded the Slinky line to include Slinky Jr., Neon Slinky, Crazy Slinky Eyes and more … so hopefully this marketing savant has time to give iSlinky two thumbs up when she’s not too busy using Richard as a Slinky … down the Stairway to Heaven.
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