Apple Reverses Policy, Begins Removing Smut

It’s been well documented that Apple does not allow porn in the App Store … but nevertheless, developers aggressively push the envelope in efforts to show as much skin as possible in their apps. At first, Apple began approving apps featuring girls in full-back bikinis. Later they lightened up … thong bikinis became acceptable. In November, Apple approved the first pasties app … iPasties by Pastease … which broke into the Top 100 Paid Apps and created a flood of new approvals featuring adhesive nipple covers. And finally, raising the “how much skin can we get away with” bar to its peak … Apple allowed the Boobs In Hand Bras app on January 14. Today, there are literally thousands of sexy girlie apps available for sale.

iPasties  Boobs-In-Hand-Bras

Well all that came to a screeching halt yesterday. Apple changed its mind and began emailing developers that their once approved sexy girlie apps were no longer welcome in the App Store and thus, removed from sale. Why the sudden reversal of standards? Seems Apple was receiving a number of customer complaints about inappropriate content. Below is the email Apple sent to developers regarding removed apps.


So exactly how much skin can you show these days without fear of getting the boot? Since Apple did not provide concrete examples to developers, it’s tough to say. However, it’s clear that hand bras are blacklisted … they have all been removed from the App Store. Most pastie apps are absent as well.

Boob-Pasties-BANNED  Hand-Bra-BANNED

It’s also tough to figure how many developers were effected by this change of policy. We spoke to a half dozen developers regarding the matter and figure at least a dozen more had their apps removed. Is Apple done cleaning up? Who knows. The entire situation is confusing and mysterious … but one thing is certain, Apple is doing some major housekeeping and removing numerous sexy girlie apps. College Girls Extreme, Epic Boobs, Sexy Bikini Contests, Yau’s Asian Boobs Fruit Punch, Sexy Topless and many more … all these apps were once approved by Apple and now banned.



The developers we spoke with were completely blindsided by yesterday’s occurrences. “I wish Apple would adopt detailed written standards like every other mobile storefront in the world,” said one developer. Agreed … perhaps clearly communicated standards would help Apple avoid that reoccurring theme … Inconsistent Review Process.



  • wondroushippo

    Good. If you somehow feel the need to look at porn on your phone, then you have problems.

    Do what the rest of us do, and look up hot girls on Facebook.

  • wondroushippo

    Good. If you somehow feel the need to look at porn on your phone, then you have problems.

    Do what the rest of us do, and look up hot girls on Facebook.

  • which reminds us … we've been meaning to run and article on the Girls Of
    MySpace app … but who knows if it even still exists after these new

  • which reminds us … we've been meaning to run and article on the Girls Of
    MySpace app … but who knows if it even still exists after these new

  • Anonymous

    Girls of MySpace = iHustleApps 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Girls of MySpace = iHustleApps 🙂

  • ipaddevelopment

    Krapps delivers braking news again! Good Job guys. Wanna hear an update to the story? We received the same email for 'pastease' app which has not yet been approved! It's been in review process with 6 rejections on the road for multiple reasons. The email was worded exactly like the one shown in post. Clearly they could not get 'customer complaints' for the app that is not yet in store. Sounds like some brutal business practice.

  • ipaddevelopment

    Krapps delivers braking news again! Good Job guys. Wanna hear an update to the story? We received the same email for 'pastease' app which has not yet been approved! It's been in review process with 6 rejections on the road for multiple reasons. The email was worded exactly like the one shown in post. Clearly they could not get 'customer complaints' for the app that is not yet in store. Sounds like some brutal business practice.

  • John Adams

    I wonder if it has anything to do with that iMaxiPad HUGE iPod Touch thing? Could you imagine someone whipping out that massive iPod Touch in an airplane and browsing these apps. LOL

  • John Adams

    I wonder if it has anything to do with that iMaxiPad HUGE iPod Touch thing? Could you imagine someone whipping out that massive iPod Touch in an airplane and browsing these apps. LOL

  • awww crap! guess we're not reviewing Girls Of MySpace. bummer about
    iHustleApps, they provided so much great material to write about …
    like one of our faves, the completely random -> Rock Climbing Girls.

  • awww crap! guess we're not reviewing Girls Of MySpace. bummer about
    iHustleApps, they provided so much great material to write about …
    like one of our faves, the completely random -> Rock Climbing Girls.

  • gotta love my sexual harrasment iphone, image what you can do with your ipad?

  • gotta love my sexual harrasment iphone, image what you can do with your ipad?

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  • purseonality

    Actually, I'm pleased to hear this. There are plenty of places to get the soft-core experience without clogging up the app store. It's hard enough to weed through all the apps to find something I want without paging through tons of these.

    That said, I think Apple could give the developers a break and at least publish the rules.

  • purseonality

    Actually, I'm pleased to hear this. There are plenty of places to get the soft-core experience without clogging up the app store. It's hard enough to weed through all the apps to find something I want without paging through tons of these.

    That said, I think Apple could give the developers a break and at least publish the rules.

  • jon

    Will Apple ever be consistent in anything?

    Or did Steve Jobs get his new liver from a schizophrenic patient?

  • jon

    Will Apple ever be consistent in anything?

    Or did Steve Jobs get his new liver from a schizophrenic patient?

  • erwen

    I received the same letter 3 days ago.

    Strangely, Apple banned my paid app, but NOT my free, where the contents are the same. But my app – VN Girls – has no porn.. all girls are fully clothed.. so why?

  • I received the same letter 3 days ago.

    Strangely, Apple banned my paid app, but NOT my free, where the contents are the same. But my app – VN Girls – has no porn.. all girls are fully clothed.. so why?

  • Jon

    Because Apple is inconsistent in how they apply their policies.

    This happens in all large organizations, and government too.

    Except with Apple the appeal process is obtuse at best.

  • Jon

    Because Apple is inconsistent in how they apply their policies.

    This happens in all large organizations, and government too.

    Except with Apple the appeal process is obtuse at best.

  • I received the same letter 3 days ago.

    Strangely, Apple banned my paid app, but NOT my free, where the contents are the same. But my app – VN Girls – has no porn.. all girls are fully clothed.. so why?

  • Jon

    Because Apple is inconsistent in how they apply their policies.

    This happens in all large organizations, and government too.

    Except with Apple the appeal process is obtuse at best.