Fumble! NFL Manages To Piss Off Customers With Their Debut App

nfl-fail-whale-final Apparently Apple gave the National Football League (NFL) a bye when it comes to enforcing their new App Store Review Guidelines. First page of the official document states …

“If your App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days, or you’re trying to get your first practice App into the store to impress your friends, please brace yourself for rejection. We have lots of serious developers who don’t want their quality Apps to be surrounded by amateur hour.”

Huh? The NFL? The most attended domestic sports league in the world is an amateur compared to the likes of Pocket God, Doodle Jump or Ow My Balls.

Yes – we speak the truth! Last week, the NFL released their $4.99 iPhone application NFL.com Game Center 2010 to thousands of adoring fans. The release went as expected in terms of money in the NFL’s pocket (already a Top 50 Paid and Top 10 Grossing App), but from a quality, value and usefulness perspective … the NFL’s app is a giant sack of SUCK.


From delayed scoring updates … to no game highlight videos … to sluggish interface … to wrong player pictures … to incorrect and incomplete statistics … NFL.com Game Canter 2010 is a feature lacking web app wrapped around an icon. All for the bargain price of $4.99.

But hey, don’t take our word for it … check out the user reviews and comments – many of which are absolutely hysterical and quite entertaining. Some of our favorites include …

Worst. App. Ever! – – Charging $5 for this app is a crime – – To the developers … karma is a bitch! – – The NFL should be embarrassed – – Using this app makes me want to rip my eyes out – – How much money does the NFL need? They have to scam us?




At $4.99, the NFL.com Game Center 2010 averages a lowly ONE star rating. And we agree with their customers … the league should be embarrassed throwing a Hail Mary and seeing who is a sucker for it. Hopefully the NFL can take the profits from their top 10 grossing application and fix this crap. For now, just stick with FREE awesome sports apps like ESPN ScoreCenter or Sportacular.




  • MegaMeatyVinky

    Ouch! They should be called the Nimrod Friggin Loserfaces……or something!…

  • LOL … true! They certainly managed to piss off a TON of folks.

  • Daniel

    Here's a new one. I'm sitting in a business meeting and BAM out of my iPhone comes the blaring NFL jingle to update me on a play that happened yesterday.

    This REALLY is the worst app ever.

    Oh, but hey, if I ever had the need to watch all the post-game press conferences, at least I have that (Sarcasm).

  • LMAO … wow, in a business meeting no less … nicely done NFL!