Zombies vs Sheep – Serious Gaming Action, Not Just For Zombie Geeks

(written by self-proclaimed zombie nerd Tim Giron. follow Tim on Twitter @timgiron – make sure you check out his Zombie Uprising presentation)

ZombiesvsSheep_BOX First off, I will have to admit that I am a total zombie nerd.  I’ve read zombie novels and I’ve written a zombie screenplay.  Heck, I even gave a five’>five minute presentation on surviving a zombie uprising.  At no point did I ever stop and think to myself, "Hey, what if you added sheep to the zombie motif?"  Until now, that is!  With a distinctive graphical style that looks like cardboard cutouts on string and a set of controls that will have you feeling like you are patting your head and rubbing your tummy (while shooting stuff, of course), Zombies vs. Sheep [iTunes] from Clickgamer is a rollicking good time.

ZombiesvsSheep1    ZombiesvsSheep2

As the Shotgun Shepherd, your first task is to protect your sheep from the undead hordes that will descend wave upon wave, hell-bent with intent for guttin’ your mutton.  And they’ve brought a few friends to the party as well: vampire bats, phoenixes and the tentacled boss.  But don’t shoot the doves, since they give out goodies to help keep you going.

In addition to tapping the screen to aim and shoot, you must also tilt the phone to slide the sheep back and forth, either to pick up the coins that fall when a zombie is hit or to avoid contact with the flaming zombie head that occurs when you fail to hit your mark.  Of course, you also have to reload from time to time and here you get a choice: either give the phone a quick flick shake or just tap on the ammo.  I started out using the shake in the earlier rounds, but when there’s a screen full of baddies in the later rounds, I found the tap to be more effective since I could keep my eye on the action.

ZombiesvsSheep3    ZombiesvsSheep4

After you’ve accumulated some money, you can visit the upgrade shop where you can improve the speed of your sheep, increase the amount of ammo you get on each reload and other items necessary for survival in the later rounds.  One thing you can’t buy (because it falls as a gift during the game) is the assault rifle.  Catch this little gem of mayhem and you get to start mowing down your enemies at a frenzied pace.  The screenshots I grabbed don’t really do it justice (I had to borrow another pair of hands just to get any screenshots in this game, it is that fast-paced).  In the later rounds, the daylight fades and the enemies get stronger (’cause night time is the right time for zombie shenanigans).

At the time of this writing, the game is a steal of a deal at just 99 cents [iTunes].

(editor’s note: yeah, tim’s screenshots do kinda suck. check out the promo video we found.)



  • The_iGeek

    Haha, brilliant!

  • Haha, brilliant!