Woman Uses iPhone To Determine “Quality” Of Her Boobs [Video]

Back in May, we featured an iPhone app which analyzes sound to determine the ripeness of watermelons. Using the iWatermelon Deluxe application, simply place the iPhone onto the melon … and tap its rind three times. iWatermelon Deluxe will then analyze the resulting sound using a unique custom made formula for determining watermelon quality.


iWatermelon3  iWatermelon4

Four months later, new evidence has been discovered … apparently iWatermelon Deluxe works on boobs as well.



  • awesome :}

  • DannyCrane

    sweet mother of christ!:)
    Nice boobage!

  • Clickthen

    Nice 🙂

  • indeed a very nice application … seems accurate 🙂

  • MegaMeatyVinky

    I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy but judging from the quick glimpse of her husky fingers and huskier arms she must be a fatass (or arse, as the UK say).


  • ahhh – the mysterious “boob only view” certainly lends toa lot of debate

  • Temp6868

    Wondering if it was used to rate her (um… apps) whether “amazing” would've been the result. More like, “This watermelon is a fat arse.”

  • Dewed

    She wasn't exactly “tapping lightly” like the directions say.

  • Dtsol Com

    there is a real app for breast quality is calles PerfecT, yo ucan find it in the iTunes Store http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/perfect/id363667744?mt=8

  • Dtsol Com

    iPhone App for Breast Proportions – PerfecT the web page is: http://www.perfec-t.com

  • Jiny