Quick KRAPPS vol 1

Welcome to Quick KRAPPS. Why this new feature? To be honest, so many KRAPPS are being released, we are basically drowning in KRAPPS. We simply cannot keep up with the deluge. So instead of writing a full blown article, we decided to quickly bang out a few KRAPPS in our bookmark file … and the result … Quick KRAPPS.

We all know sex sells. But did you know this sex thing is so powerful it can even sell farts? Hello Ms. Fart app … the sexy fart iPhone app! Like the developer says, “Why listen to an old man fart when you can listen to a lady. What could be better?” … uh, what could be better? … maybe for developers and Apple to realize fart apps were perhaps funny the first 1,000 times and are now simply lame.

Ms Fart Screenshot 
And continuing on our sex sells theme … animals also have magical selling powers. You know, those LOL cats that are appearing everywhere, cute little cuddly wuggly poochie puppy dogs (OMG), etc. Well no fart app goes unturned – hello Animal Farts app … OMG LOL soooo cute! And WTF? Read this app’s description, “Targeted for anyone interested in hearing and feeling the natural sounds of animal gas. The first fart app that helps us understand farts from an animal point of view.” … dude, you have a freaking screw loose!

Animal Fart screenshot
Let’s continue on the animal theme, don’t get us wrong, animals are cool. We have pets: dogs, geckos, fish … all good. So our jaw dropped when we saw the Dog Teaser app and it’s description, “Choose from a selection of sounds to tease and wind up your dog.” Ha! Ha! Ha! Let’s be cool and torment our dog … we’ll hit the Fireworks button and really jack up Fido. Wow … tough to choose the biggest dillweed of the bunch: Apple for accepting this app, the developer for creating the app or the moron who gets off on teasing their dog.

Dog Teaser Screenshot 
Ok, let’s do a total 180. The Brrpr app has to be considered KRAPPS, but we admit … this one made us totally laugh. Read the short and sweet description, “This app spells out anything you write using burps.” LOL, CLASSIC … reminds us of the time we tried to burp the entire ABC’s and ended up baby barfing in our mouth – yuck!

Brrpr Screenshot 
We conclude with the FingerMill app. For more details, check out our Chicks Dig Me article … since it’s basically the same fartknocker app. I guess one good KRAPPS deserves another. Besides reading Chicks Dig Me, might as well read what the developer has to say about his brilliant app, “FingerMill turns your device into a treadmill for fingers! FingerMill will keep you amused and your fingers in good shape!” … see, told you … brilliant!

FingerMill screenshot


  • Nice writing style. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Chris Moran

  • John

    What's sad is they're still rejecting useful apps for silly reasons, after weeks of silence, and then they allow all these through. I guess they see apps as nothing more than ringtones.

  • John

    What's sad is they're still rejecting useful apps for silly reasons, after weeks of silence, and then they allow all these through. I guess they see apps as nothing more than ringtones.

  • John

    What's sad is they're still rejecting useful apps for silly reasons, after weeks of silence, and then they allow all these through. I guess they see apps as nothing more than ringtones.

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  • Pingback: Funny iFlush Toilet iPhone App Review From KRAPPS | KRAPPS()

  • Pingback: Review Of Bizarre iPhone apps Martian Madness, Jig Saw Puppet, iVoodoo & Crazy Metal Head From KRAPPS | KRAPPS()

  • Very nice blog you have here. Bookmarked!

  • Very nice blog you have here. Bookmarked!

  • what does a KRAPPS means? I want to know krapps.

  • Indeed a good blog, i would also like to bookmark it.


  • “Why listen to an old man fart when you can listen to a lady. What could be better?” I personally think many people would be on one side.Apple is going to launch more funny application like this in market.

  • Various comedy application has been shown from human and as well animal prescriptive.

  • Various comedy application has been shown from human and as well animal prescriptive.

  • Developers and Apple to realize fart apps were perhaps funny the first 1,000 times and are now simply lame which is quite good to share in the blog.

  • Developers and Apple to realize fart apps were perhaps funny the first 1,000 times and are now simply lame which is quite good to share in the blog.

  • This app spells out anything you write using burps.CLASSIC.reminds us of the time we tried to burp the entire ABC’s and ended up baby barfing in our mouth – yuck which is quite good thing to share out in the blog.

  • The sexy fart iPhone app! Like the developer is best to share in the application also there are better option to be covered over here.

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