iPhone Visits The Wizard, Gets A Heart

TinMan-Heart We recently introduced the concept of Gateway Apps which is similar to the Gateway Theory … kissing leads to having babies – smoking cigarettes leads to a heroin addiction. In iPhone world, Gateway Apps are certain mild and innocent iPhone applications which may then lead to stronger and harsher ones in the future … Fart apps lead to Prostitute Finder apps … Mystery Butt (the “name that animal butt” iPhone game) leads to Name That Celebrity Butt, Athlete Butt, President’s Ass and more. Not all good!

So now we’re worried about our iPhone’s recent trip to Oz. It came back with a heart … a Beating Heart to be exact. Which can only mean one thing, coming soon … Flowing Bladder app – Pulsating Brain app – Contracting Uterus app – Birth Giving Vagina App. Hell, we can see every internal organ being realistically represented in an app solely for entertainment purposes.

Beating Heart app … a bad, bad, bad gateway app.



And be sure to check out the Beating Heart video to see what happens when you make a heart beat too fast. Think Baby Shaker app, but not as morbid …yet still a curious ending.

