Woman Considers Lawsuit After Being Featured In Jersey Shore’s ‘The Situation’ App

In case you have a life and missed the news … last month, “Jersey Shore” star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino launched his official iPhone app … cleverly named The Situation – Official App. The app enjoyed immediate success … skyrocketing into Apple’s Top 10 Grossing apps and ensuring Mikey has plenty of cash to keep buying Muscle Milk and fake tans.

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But apparently it’s not all fine and dandy for this guido … The Situation has a bit of a situation with his newly released application.

Grenade Dodger is a video game within The Situation app. The objective is to avoid being hit by grenades by moving The Situation from side to side. In the case of this application, and on the hit reality TV series “Jersey Shore”, grenades are ugly girls.


According to RadarOnline.com, in efforts to keep the app as authentic as possible, The Situation instructed his developers to visits clubs he had frequented and shoot pictures of “3’s and 4’s” (on a scale of 1 to 10 for looks) for the Grenade Dodger game. RaderOnline.com reports …

When they surfaced on the application, one of the “grenades” was horrified and has since made legal threats to the breakout star of MTV’s reality smash.
“While the girls did know their photos were being taken, they were unaware they were about to become official grenades,” a source told RadarOnline.com.
“It came as a complete surprise and at least one of them is now considering her legal options.”

The Situation iPhone GRENADE


Just a bad Situation … bad!

(via RadarOnline.com)

Two More Excellent Grid-Style iPhone iOS 4 Wallpapers [Download]

Back in August, we featured an undiscovered grid-style iOS 4 iPhone 4 home screen wallpaper. We thought it was totally cool, extremely clever and promptly programmed it as our own wallpaper.

Two months later, this little gem has deservingly been all over the Internet … re-blogged, tweeted, digged, flickred, etc.

Today we present a slight variation of the original wallpaper … some of the callouts have changed and a new color, black, has been added. Remakes of the classic original … hope you’ll enjoy!

[Download directly to iPhone’s camera roll by touching the image, press and hold the image on its new page and select save]

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photo 1

Victoria’s Secret For iPad Launches Making It iPad’s Sexiest App


Victoria’s Secret has just launched their first official iPad app [iTunes FREE] and all we can say is WOW! Hell, we could barely put the damn thing down to bang out this article. If you thought the Victoria’s Secret iPhone app [iTunes FREE] was smokin’ … just wait until you see those scantily clad Angel hotties come to life on your iPad’s 9.7 inch screen … it’s lingerie nirvana!



The application’s feature attraction (in our humble opinion) is the world famous Victoria’s Secret catalog. Page after page – swipe after swipe … this e-catalog is filled with sexy supermodel goodness. As the app’s descriptions says, “your iPad will be sexier than ever” … oh yes it will. <blush>


Although most males will spend 99% of their browsing time ogling the catalog, the Victoria’s Secret app offers plenty of other eye candy useful  functionality … a store locator, exclusive videos, information about special events, store openings, photo shoots and more. Plus the app is coded extremely well … high quality stuff from this lingerie retail giant.


Oh and if you thought Apple no longer permits applications featuring half-naked hot chicks … Apple’s Senior VP – Philip Schiller – previously announced a loophole to the policy … well-known companies (Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Victoria’s Secret, et al.) can publish overtly sexual applications. HOORAY for inconsistency (and sarcasm too)!

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See the loophole? … Jump right in! Put down that lame Sears catalog and go get one of the sexiest apps still available for download … the Victoria’s Secret for iPad.

Eminem, Kardashain & Others Become Bieber With Bieber Hair App

bieber-iphone We think everyone would agree that the world would be a better place with more Justin Bieber. Because frankly, this kid is just not getting enough headlines or publicity. Oh what a shame!

Well luckily the folks at iBroomCloset recognize this severe void in society and have published … the BieberHair iPhone app.


Simply point your camera at the subject … click your iPhone’s shutter release … and BABY, BABY, BABY – OH … you just made the world a better place.

Look at Eminem … seems much happier as a Bieber!

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Kim Kardashian … totally hotter as a Bieber babe!
Hans Solo … way bigger bad ass as a Bieber!

Bieber-Hair-iPhone-3  Bieber-Hair-iPhone-3a

Bieber-Hair-iPhone-4  Bieber-Hair-iPhone-4a

Steve Jobs … truly magical with his revolutionary iBieber mane!
Homer goes Bieber … simply amazing!

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Bieber-Hair-iPhone-6  Bieber-Hair-iPhone-6a

iBroomCloset is already working on updates to BieberHair … V1.1 will have the ability to email directly from the app … while the much needed V2.0 will allow users to put Bieber hair on existing pictures in your camera roll.

More Bieber? … BABY, BABY, BABY – NO!

No Ordinary Fart App, Fartify Turns Farts Into Art!

As previously discussed … Apple has a problem with fart apps. After approving something like 27 million fart apps, they now decided the App Store contains too many of these one gun salutes. So it came as bit of a surprise to the folks at Rabe & Co. that their fart application … Fartify … was approved last week.


But it’s hard to blame Apple for letting Fartify sneak by (pun point +1) as it’s one of the best fart apps ever!

Fartify is NOT one of those tired and boring soundboard apps … rather it’s ART. In New York City, there is a grassroots movement … a street-art project where public signs are slapped with fart bubbles. These folks take their fart art seriously and produce some brilliant pieces.



Inspired by this street-art project, Fartify lets you add fart bubbles to your photos. Simply find the best cheek-flapper … snap a picture (or use images from camera roll) … rotate, enlarge and add a fart bubble … voila – pure gravy pants goodness.

fartify-iphone-3  fartify-iphone-4

There is no limit or boundaries with Fartify … only your creativity and imagination. Pretty much every photograph could benefit from the great brown cloud. Jobs / Gates – Megan Fox – Obama / McCain … all look better with Fartify. And as the trademark goes … there’s an ass for that!




Models Cat Fight On The Catwalk [Video] – plus Recap Week Of October 11

Ad-Krapps-170x170 Subscribe to our RSS feed and/or download the 100% free KRAPPS iPhone app … it’ll make you feel better!

In case you missed any of our perfect iPhone chaos, quick links to this week’s articles.

October 11: Chocolate, Cork Board & Bonsai Garden – iPhone iOS 4 Wallpaper 3-Pack [Download]

October 12: For Only $40 This App Will Help You Become An Asshole

October 13: App Lets You Polish A Three Dimensional Turd – Why? [Now FREE]

October 14: First Grab Bag App Now Available – Will Anyone Buy It? [Mystery App]

October 15: Because Hot Chicks Smoking Cigarettes Make Us Horny – Smoking Girls App

October 16: Danger! Dodgeball, Will Robinson [App Review]


Models Cat Fight On The Catwalk

Don’t worry if it’s real or fake (can be argued either way). Just enjoy these two Russian models who bear a striking resemblance to Ivan Drago in Rocky IV … I Must Break You! 

Danger! Dodgeball, Will Robinson [App Review]

(written by guest author Tim Giron. follow Tim on Twitter @timgiron)

I haven’t played dodgeball since gradeschool, but I still remember the feeling when those red rubber missiles strike. I am happy to report that Danger! Dodgeball for iPhone/iPod Touch [iTunes $0.99] and Danger! Dodgeball HD for iPad [iTunes $1.99] appear to leave no welts.


The game has one of the better "training" modes that I have seen, taking you through all of the skills necessary to do well in the survival mode. And this ain’t no walk in the park, er playground. Your opponent is one tough schoolyard bully. He’s quick, he’s accurate and he’s not your friend.

The controls are simple and intuitive. Tilt left and right to move and dodge. Tilt forward to throw the ball. As you tilt forward, you can also affect the flight of the ball by adding a little side motion. It feels a little clunkier at first on the iPad, but once you find the range of tilt necessary to make the moves, it gets easier.


There are a set of powerups available to give you either health or special shots: "giant ball" is just that, a huge ball to throw for extra points; "shotgun" gives you three balls to throw at once; "multiball" allows you to throw a succession of balls rapidly for maximum striking opportunities. The "shotgun" is also handy for hitting both the opponent and the occasionally appearing graffiti artist as he marks up the back wall.


Not to be outdone, the bully gets some special shots of his own, including a fantastic to watch "matrix style" set of slow-motion balls that are particularly hard to dodge. The HD iPad version sports some additional power ups including a wicked curve ball and the ultimate defense, a force field.

The game is integrated with OpenFeint for global leaderboards. The game sports both music and sound effects that can be independently turned on or off. The authentic "poonk" sound when two balls collide in midair is especially hilarious.


At 99 cents for the iPhone version [iTunes] and $1.99 for the iPad version [iTunes], you get more than your money’s worth. It’s a great action game to just pick up and play whenever the mood strikes you to relive childhood activities.

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