Antoine Dogson – LMAO, Get It? DOGson … plus Recap Week Of October 25

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In case you missed any of our perfect iPhone chaos, quick links to this week’s articles.

October 25: Masturbation & Ejaculation Found In Talking Chuck Boy iPhone App [Video]

October 26: Girls With Guns Applications – Then And Now

October 27: Angry Birds iPhone iOS 4 Wallpaper Collection & More [Downloads]

October 28: Revenge Of The Nerds On Steve Jobs [Comic]

October 29: Doodle Jump iOS 4 iPhone Wallpaper Collection From Lima Sky [Downloads]

October 30: All You Zombies, Show Your Faces [Zombie Escape Review]


Antoine Dogson – Best. Pet. Costume. Ever!

Ok we admit, we’re not big fans of dressing dogs in outfits and costumes (they’re freaking dogs – and they told us it humiliates them) … but this Antoine Dogson spotted at New York City’s Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade is funnier than shit! Bitch even has a Facebook page … run and tell that, homeboy!





[via Buzzfeed]

All You Zombies, Show Your Faces [Zombie Escape Review]

(written by guest author Tim Giron. follow Tim on Twitter @timgiron)


Developed by Viqua Games and released by Chillingo a few months ago, Zombie Escape [iTunes $0.99] is a line-drawing game with enough additional plot elements to keep it interesting for a short time. The premise is simple and well established: guide the humans to the helicopters before they become lunch for the undead horde that mills about, ravenous with an ever-present hunger.

The first few levels are extremely easy, with each one introducing something new: a new weapon, a new type of zombie, a new rule, etc. By level 7, things start to get tricky, since you have to call in the helicopters yourself. After level 8, you will also unlock a survival mode.


For weapons you have access to snipers, bombs and meat. Yes, it appears the zombies are partial to sirloin and can be effectively distracted by a nice prime rib or filet mignon. Hey, where to I sign up to be a zombie and get some of the primo grub?


You earn money by completing the levels with flair: kill extra zombies, don’t lose any humans, you get the picture. Between levels, you use your loot to upgrade your weapons and believe me, you’re going to need the extra firepower in the higher levels.


A quick check of the iTunes reviews for the game reveals some disgruntled users, mainly due to crashing. Playing on my lowly 3G, I found that I needed to start the game with a freshly rebooted device to have a satisfactory experience. The game utilizes the Crystal system for online scoring.

Even if it’s not top shelf in the graphics or sound departments, the game is certainly worth the 99 cents you will shell out. Sure, there are better line-drawing games and better zombie games out there, but it will take some doing to complete the later levels.

Doodle Jump iOS 4 iPhone Wallpaper Collection From Lima Sky [Downloads]

doodle-jump-iphone-wallpape DUDE! … it’s like Christmas in October … HOORAY!

Earlier this week, we introduced a set of Halloween-themed Angry Birds iPhone wallpaper  created by its developer, Rovio. Today we continue the giving from another kick ass classic App Store Hall Of Famer … Doodle Jump!

Minutes ago, Doodle Jump creators Igor and Marko Pusenjak of Lima Sky released some freaking sweet iOS 4 iPhone 4 Doodle Jump wallpapers … based on their latest Halloween update. Both home screen and lock screen versions are available for your doodling pleasure and are 640×960 in size … they’re optimized for Retina Display and will bring your iPhone 4 to a whole new level of coolness. And if you’re still waiting for that white iPhone 4 (nice job Apple) and stuck with the iPhone 3G(S), Lima Sky has you covered with 480×320 resolutions.

We are big fans of creative and unique iPhone wallpapers, so hopefully other developers will start issuing versions of their apps (hint, hint Pocket God).

[Download directly to iPhone’s camera roll by touching the image, press and hold the image on its new page and select save]

iPhone 4 Lock Screen:


iPhone 4 Home Screen:


iPhone 3G(S) Lock Screen:


iPhone 3G(S) Home Screen:


Revenge Of The Nerds On Steve Jobs [Comic]

Oh that Lewis Skolnick … he’s a witty one, LOL!

revenge nerds steve jobs

(via reddit)

Angry Birds iPhone iOS 4 Wallpaper Collection & More [Downloads]

angry-birds-wallpaper Just in time for October 31 … Angry Birds developer, Rovio, has released some totally cool Halloween-themed iOS 4 iPhone 4 wallpapers based on their best-selling mobile game. Both home screen and lock screen versions are available for your downloading pleasure and are 640×960 in size … they’ll look killer on your iPhone 4. If you’re still kicking it old school with the iPhone 3G(S), check out the links below to download 480×320 resolutions for your iDevice.

[Download directly to iPhone’s camera roll by touching the image, press and hold the image on its new page and select save]

Lock Screen:

Angry Birds Halloween Wallpaper iPhone Lock

Home Screen:

Angry Birds Halloween Wallpaper iPhone Home

iPhone 3G(S) Lock Screen
iPhone 3G(S) Home Screen

And to continue the Halloween iPhone 4 wallpaper festivities … below are a few more treats for your home screen. Happy Halloween!

Halloween iPhone Wallpaper 1  Halloween iPhone Wallpaper 2

Halloween iPhone Wallpaper 3  Halloween iPhone Wallpaper 4

Girls With Guns Applications – Then And Now

Back when Apple was cool with selling overtly sexual content, the App Store was filled with all sorts of sexy weaponry iPhone applications. You could download – Hand Grenade Hotties … Girls Guns FartsGirls N Guns … Sexy Swords … and more.

girls-guns-farts-2  girls-guns-videos-1

Well not so much anymore … Apple has opted for a pure, moral and virginal App Store. So if you want to capitalize on the hot chicks holding guns fetish, you have to sell it like the GUNS Wallpapers application …


guns-wallpapers-iphone-3  guns-wallpapers-iphone-4

No plunging necklines … skirt hems at or below the knee … no bikinis or garters … girls in business suits with pulled back hair preferred.

guns-wallpapers-iphone-5  guns-wallpapers-iphone-6

But are those really the “girls with guns” rules? Or just a misleading way of stealing the buyer’s money … show preview screenshots that have NOTHING to do with the app you are selling. According to “dale38”, that’s exactly the bait-and-switch sales technique the GUNS Wallpapers developer is using …


“Misleading” seems to be the new trend with Apple … where app titles, descriptions and screenshots do not represent the actual application for sale. We highlighted these issues with Orgasm Videos, Lesbian Videos and Breast Videos … all applications which sucker buyers with false (sex) hopes. Hopefully Apple will put the kibosh on this unethical practice soon as you would think honesty would be part of Apple’s selling process.

Masturbation & Ejaculation Found In Talking Chuck Boy iPhone App [Video]

talking-chuck-boy-iphone-6 Another day, another Apple screw-up …

Talking Chuck Boy is an animated iPhone application from Beijing-based HugaoMobile in which users interact with the lovable character Chuck. You can kick, poke or hit Chuck … his eyes will fall out, he’ll get a bump on his head and eventually he’ll pass out in a bloody mess from your abuse. Talking Chuck Boy is described as, “Fun for everyone! Kids, adults, friends, co-workers, and more.” … curiously Apple rated this violent app suitable for ages 9 and above.



Whoa! – Hey! – Hold on! … did you catch the 18 second mark of the video?!? Is Chuck choking the chicken?!? And what the hell is that white stuff flying around?!? Probably nothing since the app’s description says the “WC” button lets Chuck go to the bathroom.



Yeah right! Upon further review in the video below … Talking Chuck Boy masturbating and ejaculating is certainly not suitable for 9 year olds. And if Apple is serious about banning overtly sexual apps … well then Cupertino, we have a problem!

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